2.) All puzzle pieces are needed for the full picture

2.) All puzzle pieces are needed for the full picture

“If you had to choose one, what would you consider more important? The journey or the destination?”

This morning I asked multiple people at the gym this same question. Mind you, they range in age from 15-45 years old. I was intrigued to see the way age would affect the answers, or if it wouldn't at all. The voting ended up being split right down the middle.

When the gym slowed down and people began to finish, I placed equipment back on the racks, I finally had a chance to really sit and think of what my answer to the question was.

There was no wrong answer, I realized. Neither the journey nor the destination is more important than the other. You can’t have a destination without the journey. 

The inevitable facts is that  the goals we want to obtain are going to take time! It's simply human nature to want to do anything in our power to speed up that time. Just take a deep breath and DON'T PANIC!

How long will it take, how in the world are we going to do it, what are the steps that we have to take to reach our goals? Those are a few of the hard questions that we have to figure out along the way. WHICH IS PERFECTLY FINE, as long as we can embrace the adversity that we have to face, as well as the positive strides we take along our JOURNEY!

“You can’t have the dress rehearsal without the live performance. Both are needed for ultimate success.” #KINGclockedin

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