

Hey, Good morning, Hello, YEOO, what’s up, what’s good,

I’m not really sure what is the “formal” way of introducing yourself in your first blog entry but those are a few of many ways that I greet people on a daily basis. Also being that this is “my world and you’re living in it” (for as long as you choose to read these blogs haha), I’m going to have to let you choose which one best suits you!

My name is Caleb! I’m the ripe age of 31,I am a son, brother, uncle, friend, coach, mentor, gym owner, and professional football player, doing my best to navigate life the best I can.


I grew up in Cortland, a very small city, ON THE EAST SIDE( of town), and I am/will always be proud to call Cortland my hometown.

I have to first and foremost say that I was/am inspired to blog because of my friend Heather. So, without giving away too much information about Heather (this is almost/kind of/not really some sort of possible HIPPA violation) I feel I need to give you all a slight introduction on who she is and what that means to me.

Heather has been blogging for some time now. After reading a bunch of her blogs, a few other bloggers blogs, and with VERY BRIEF THOUGHTS, I have felt even more of a push to dive into the blogging world! She is a wonderful person, mother, friend, and writer to many people that I know in my community. She frequently works-out at my gym three-four times a week with her comedian, yet strategically passionate husband Pete, her football loving, yet extremely caring son Danny, and last but not least her quiet, yet fiercely intelligent daughter Annie.

One thing about this family that I truly admire is their ability to have conversations with me about ANYTHING! From Heather helping me weigh the pro’s and con’s of my life situations, to the humor in almost all of Pete’s jokes, to talking about football strategy with Danny for the upcoming game, to my daily/consistent, AND CORNY conversation starter with Annie “What’s up? Chicken butt”. Although they’re all different and amazing in their own way, they all have a similar trait, quality, skill set, or gifting if you will.

A FOUNDATION that’s genuine and authentic.

We all know a house built on a bad foundation cannot weather the storms that life inevitably throws at it! We also know that every home that is built, isn’t built off of the same foundation as other homes. Some choose sand, rocks, concrete, dirt, etc. The idea that we all have the ability to choose different foundations is perfectly fine, honestly that is the point of having our own brains, feelings, emotions I guess? The simple fact that nothing or no one  should/could ever be the same and to each their own right?

Well, when I think of the Jackson family, and what they each have in common, it’s that their foundation. Even more than that, it’s how genuine and authentic each of them are to me and to others in their lives. Heather always preaches how she’s NOT perfect and Pete makes multiple jokes of his own personal imperfections or ways he went about situations in life. I think that’s EXACTLY what makes this family so special to me though. They’re all genuinely, authentically themselves and nothing more. They don’t claim perfection, they move/act on love and never run away from helping others in need.

With this being my very first blog I felt like this is my opportunity to set the tone if you will, my chance to introduce myself and show how I will lay the first of many  “brick’s” that will ultimately piece together the foundation of all my future blog entries.

“A proper foundation will ultimately secure the overall structure of a building, human, and prosperous future.” #KINGclockedin

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